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Los Angeles and the surrounding areas are being impacted by devastating wildfires. Natural disasters like wildfires can leave families without their homes, power, and make it harder to get food and medicines. Because of the widespread destruction caused by these fires, the situation is dire for many families. Many more may have to evacuate as the situation changes.

How Wildfires Affect Asthma

Wildfires do not only affect people in the immediate area. Smoke can blow far distances, impacting people hundreds of miles away. Smoke contains tiny particles that affect air quality. Poor air quality can worsen asthma symptoms. Children and people with respiratory diseases like asthma are at high risk for asthma episodes when air quality is poor.

If you are impacted by wildfires and are making efforts to protect yourself and your property, take steps that can also help you control your asthma. Learn how wildfire smoke impacts asthma and how to protect your airways before, during, and after a wildfire.

Relief Resources

If you or someone you know is impacted by the wildfires in California, here are resources that may help:

Safety alerts:

Free meals:

Disaster recovery centers and programs:

Ways to Donate

The following groups are collecting donations for families in need:

As the communities impacted by the wildfires recover, the need for supplies will continue. You can help by sending donations to people in need. We will update this blog as we learn more information.

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