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When spring allergy season first starts, causing you to sniffle and sneeze, tree pollen is usually to blame. Trees produce pollen February through April in most of the United States. In the Southern U.S., trees can produce pollen as early as December or January and peak throughout the year.

What Are the Symptoms of a Tree Pollen Allergy?

A pollen allergy can cause seasonal allergic rhinitis – commonly called “hay fever.” Pollen released by trees, as well as grasses and weeds, cause allergy symptoms. They include:

  • Runny nose (also known as rhinorrhea – this is typically a clear, thin nasal discharge)
  • Stuffy nose (due to blockage or nasal congestion – one of the most common and troublesome symptoms)
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy nose, eyes, ears, and mouth
  • Red and watery eyes
  • Swelling around the eyes

If you have allergic asthma and are allergic to tree pollen, you might also have asthma symptoms while the trees are producing pollen.

Tree pollen is light so the wind can carry it for miles. These light, dry grains easily find their way to your sinuses, lungs, and eyes, making them hard to avoid.

What Trees Cause the Most Symptoms?

Some tree pollen causes more problems than others. Some of the trees that cause the most symptoms are:

  • Alder
  • Ash
  • Aspen
  • Beech
  • Birch
  • Box elder
  • Cedar
  • Cottonwood
  • Elm
  • Hickory
  • Juniper
  • Maple
  • Mulberry
  • Oak
  • Olive
  • Pecan
  • Poplar
  • Walnut
  • Willow

Mountain cedar and juniper can cause seasonal allergy symptoms called “cedar fever” December through February. It mostly occurs in Arizona, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome

Being allergic to some trees could cause you to react to certain foods. It happens because the tree pollen is similar to the protein in some fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Your immune system gets confused and can’t tell the difference between the 2 foods. Eating these foods may cause your mouth or face to itch or swell. These foods may include apples, cherries, pears, and more. This is called pollen food allergy syndrome (PFAS) or oral allergy syndrome (OAS). Birch and alder trees cause the most PFAS food reactions.

What Can I Do to Relieve My Pollen Allergy Symptoms?

Thankfully, there are several options for relieving pollen allergy symptoms, available both over the counter and by prescription. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms and treatment options. Your doctor might have you take a combination of medicines and treatments to keep your symptoms controlled. These include:

  • Nasal rinses
  • Nose sprays
  • Eye drops
  • Antihistamines
  • Decongestants
  • Leukotriene [loo-kuh-trahy-een] modifiers
  • Cromolyn sodium

Talk with your doctor about taking your allergy medicines and starting treatment before tree pollen season starts in your area.

If these medicines don’t completely relieve your symptoms, your doctor might also give you immunotherapy. This is a long-term treatment that can reduce the severity of your allergic reactions. It usually involves regular shots, tablets, or drops you take under the tongue.

You can also take steps to reduce your exposure to tree pollen:

  • If you haven’t had allergy testing, find a board-certified allergist to test you for pollen allergies. Work with your doctor to come up with a treatment plan.

  • Limit your outdoor activities when pollen counts are high. This will cut down the amount of pollen allergen you inhale and help reduce your symptoms.

  • Watch pollen counts and forecasts. Many local weather reports will give pollen counts or forecasts. You can also visit websites like for pollen reports.

  • Cover your hair, nose, mouth, and eyes while outside.

  • Use central air conditioning or air cleaners with a Certified Asthma & Allergy Friendly® filter and/or HEPA filter to reduce your exposure to indoor airborne allergens (including pollen that may enter your home through doors, windows, on your clothes, and on pets), if possible.

  • Dry your clothes in a dryer and not outside on a clothesline.

  • Change and wash clothes you wear during outdoor activities as soon as you come inside.

It may be hard to avoid tree pollen during the late winter and spring. But you can reduce your symptoms with the right treatment.

Medical Review: Content summarized from Tree Pollen Allergy and Pollen Allergy which were reviewed August 2024 and September 2024 by Mitchell Grayson, MD

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Melissa G posted:

Welcome to the AAFA forums Monique! What are your allergy triggers?

Hi Melissa, Thanks for asking My allergy triggers are tree pollen, grass pollen, dust and mold spores. I have used  a natural nasal barrier with great effect for the dust and mold and it is now working well for my spring allergies.


Natural nasal barriers also can be effective and can be used with existing medication such as nasal sprays and anti-histamines. They are applied at the base of the nostrils and trap the allergens - pollen etc. They are extremely safe but you should still consult with your doctor before using them.


Since 2010 some 300 Salt Rooms, which offer natural Salt Room Therapy, have opening in the USA.  Developed by Russian pulmonologists in the mid 1990s, this therapy can greatly help with allergies, asthma and more.  It's not a quick fix, and most doctors in the USA are not familiar with it yet, so be proactive and research this one yourself.    


 Very early spring observation in your garden.

There are many questions at this time of the year about pollen in the garden - park or schoolyard. How can I find out, the difference between a male (pollen producing) shrub or tree and female shrub or tree ?

MALE flowers in early spring are YELLOWISH and the FEMALE flowers are RED. The flowers are in clusters during very early spring, before the leaves develop.


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