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Congress is currently considering funding for a key priority for the asthma and allergy community: healthy schools.

Healthy School Environments

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Healthy School Environments program focuses on improving indoor air quality (IAQ) for kids in U.S. schools.

The EPA receives funding to help schools improve overall IAQ. Poor IAQ is a known asthma trigger. It also impacts tests scores and academic achievement. Better ventilation and air quality will help schools reduce asthma triggers and airborne viruses, such as the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

This year, we are asking Congress to give the EPA $110 million in funding to support healthy school environments. These funds would allow the EPA to help schools improve IAQ through education and technical assistance.

More than 20 years of published research has shown that there are more pollutants indoors than outdoors. A large number of school buildings have been neglected for decades and contain many indoor pollutants.

Poor IAQ is a serious health concern for people with asthma and allergies. Indoor triggers increase the risks of asthma attacks and allergic reactions. Nearly 1 in 13 school-aged children have asthma, which is a leading cause of missed school days due to chronic illness.

The time for action is now. Let’s work together to ask Congress to fund healthy school environments for our kids.

Take Action for the Asthma and Allergy Community

You can help us advocate for funds for this important program. Fill out the information below to send a letter to key members of the Senate and urge them to fund these priorities for our school children.

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