Avery and his mom Jessica are our final winners in our #TackleAsthma and #TackleAllergies photo contest. Their photo shows asthma doesn’t have keep you from sports and activities you love.
“My son Avery tackles allergy induced asthma by playing HOCKEY! He is 10 years old and has been playing club for 7 and just made his first AAA team this past spring. Asthma may make it more difficult for him but he doesn’t use it as a crutch ...he finds a balance between pushing himself and knowing his limits. He had his first anaphylactic incident this past Fall, spent 2 nights in the ICU, and came out a fighter” – Jessica
Avery and Jessica have won these great products:
- Rabbit Air 700A white special edition – MinusA2 Air Purifier
- Kids Preferred, LLC™ Floppy Froggie asthma & allergy friendly® stuffed toy
- Endust® Hypo-Allergenic Multi-Surface Dusting Spray
- Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit
- Swiffer Duster 360 Starter Kit
- Bona free & simple® Hardwood Floor Cleaner and refill
Thank you to all who showed us how you #TackleAsthma and #TackleAllergies. You are an inspiration to everyone who fights asthma and allergies every day. The generous support of our donors allows us to educate and inspire those who need our help.
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