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COVID-19 is a disease caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2 (a type of coronavirus). It causes respiratory symptoms, but it can also affect other parts of your body.

COVID-19 spreads through close contact from person to person. A person with the virus can spread it to others by talking, coughing, sneezing, singing, or breathing. The virus will be in large or small droplets that are exhaled from the mouth or nose out into the air.

If you are within 6 feet (2 meters) of someone who is ill with COVID-19, you may be at greatest risk for becoming infected. But it may be possible to catch the virus even if you are more than 6 feet away from an infected person because very small droplets can spread in the air. If someone who is sick coughs on or near your face, you may get infected. People may be infected with the coronavirus and not show any symptoms. They may spread the virus without knowing it. The virus may also spread through direct contact with a person who has COVID-19.

What Are the Symptoms of COVID-19?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 symptoms can include:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
  • Feeling tired and weak
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If you or someone you know has these emergency warning signs, call 911 or go to the emergency room immediately:

  • Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
  • Pain or pressure in the chest that doesn’t go away
  • Newly confused
  • Can’t wake up or stay awake
  • Cyanosis which is tissue color changes on mucus membranes (like tongue, lips, and around the eyes) and fingertips or nail beds – the color appears grayish or whitish on darker skin tones and bluish on lighter skin tones

According to the CDC, this list may not include all symptoms. If you have any symptoms that are severe or concerning, call your doctor.

The CDC warns that symptoms may appear two to 14 days after coming in contact with the virus.

How Can I Tell the Difference Between Asthma, COVID-19, the Flu, a Cold, RSV, or Seasonal Allergies?

Some symptoms are similar between these respiratory illnesses. Respiratory illnesses may worsen asthma, so it’s important to keep taking your asthma medicines. If you have a fever and a cough, call your doctor. If you have seasonal allergies, there are things you can do to treat them at home. If your allergy symptoms are hard to control, make an appointment with an allergist.

This chart can help you figure out if you may be feeling symptoms of asthma, allergies, or a respiratory illness like COVID-19, the flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), or a cold:

Are People With Asthma at Risk of Severe Illness From COVID-19?

Many studies show that having asthma does not put you at a greater risk of getting COVID-19 or having severe COVID-19.1,2,3 A study published in “The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice” (JACI: In Practice) found that people with well-controlled asthma have less severe COVID-19 outcomes than people with uncontrolled asthma.4

The CDC continues to list moderate to severe asthma as a chronic lung disease that can make you more likely to have severe illness from COVID-19.

No matter what, it is important to keep your asthma well-controlled. If your asthma is not under control, you are at a greater risk in general of having an asthma episode or attack, going to the emergency room, staying in the hospital, or even death. If you feel like your asthma is not well-controlled, talk with your doctor as soon as possible.

Even though people with asthma are not at the highest risk for COVID-19, it is still important to keep your asthma under control. Common medicines you may take for asthma and allergies do not increase your risk of getting COVID-19. They will help you keep your asthma under control. You are at greater risk for having an asthma attack if you stop taking your medicines. Take your medicines at the first sign of symptoms as listed on your Asthma Action Plan. Continue to take these medicines as prescribed:

  • Quick-relief medicine (such as albuterol)
  • Inhaled corticosteroids (controller medicines)
  • Oral corticosteroids (such as prednisone)
  • Biologics
  • Antihistamines (allergy medicine)
  • Proton pump inhibitors for acid reflux
  • Nasal allergy sprays
  • Allergy shots

If you have any questions about asthma medicines and COVID-19, talk with your doctor.

If you need to take quick-relief medicine (such as albuterol) for an asthma episode, use an inhaler (with a spacer if directed by your doctor) if possible. Using a nebulizer can increase the risk of sending virus particles in the air if you are sick. But if you have a nebulizer and solution, it is OK to use it to treat an asthma episode. When using a nebulizer, limit the number of people in the room or use it in a room by yourself.

How Can I Avoid Getting COVID-19 (And Other Respiratory Infections)?

The following steps will help you avoid COVID-19, the flu, and other respiratory infections:

1. Get your vaccines.

Vaccines can help protect you, your loved ones, older adults near you, teachers, and essential workers from getting a respiratory infection. They can also cut down your symptom severity if you do get sick. Vaccines reduce the burden on our health care system by reducing the number of people who get COVID-19 or the flu.

Everyone who is 6 months and older can get a COVID-19 vaccine in the United States. There vaccines available are: Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax.

Visit to find out where you can get the COVID-19 vaccine near you. Most people can get the COVID-19 vaccine with no issues. Allergic and adverse reactions are rare.

The flu vaccine is recommended for everyone age 6 months and older with rare exceptions.

It is safe to get both the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu vaccine at the same time.

2. Wear a mask.

Face masks can help reduce the spread of the coronavirus. They can benefit people who are vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Some people may have COVID-19 and not show symptoms for a few days, while some may not have any symptoms at all. And some vaccinated people have gotten breakthrough infections, which have usually been mild.

Wear a mask that fits snugly on your face, and covers your nose, mouth, and beard completely. Wear a mask when you leave your home, if you are caring for someone at home who is sick, and if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. People with asthma should be able to wear face masks.

Face masks offer other benefits as well. They can reduce your exposure to pollen, air pollution, and other respiratory infections like the flu.

3. Keep a physical distance from people outside your household.

In general, the more closely you interact with other people and the longer that interaction, the higher the risk of coronavirus or flu spread. Try to stay home when possible when these illnesses are spreading in your community. Avoid large crowds of people, especially in indoor locations. When in public, keep at least 6 feet apart. Stay away from people who are sick or have been in contact with someone who is sick. Even when you’re at home with family, don’t share makeup, food, dishes, or eating utensils.

4. Wash your hands properly and often.

Use soap and warm water to wash your hands for 20 to 30 seconds. Always wash your hands before and after eating and after coughing or sneezing. Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.

If you don’t have access to running water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is at least 60% ethyl alcohol (ethanol) or 70% isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol).

5. Make sure your indoor spaces are well-ventilated and have good indoor air quality.

If you are staying indoors more because of COVID-19, be mindful of the quality of your indoor air. The air inside our homes can often be more polluted than the air outside. Unhealthy indoor air can be full of asthma triggers and allergens that can cause symptoms and make your asthma harder to control. Take steps to improve and maintain healthy indoor air quality.

Air circulation is important too. Keep your indoor spaces well-ventilated by opening windows or doors, using fans, running air cleaners, or using proper air filters in your HVAC system.

Current evidence shows the risk of the coronavirus spreading is much lower outdoors than indoors. Good ventilation in your indoor environment may help reduce the spread of the coronavirus. It may also affect the risk of transmission (how fast it spreads).

On days when pollen is low and air quality is good, open your windows to let in fresh air. Run your HVAC system as much as possible (especially when windows are closed). Use high efficiency air filters in your HVAC system and replace them at least every three months.

6. Take care of your health.

Take your asthma control medicines as directed to keep your airways open. Eat well and get enough sleep.

Pollen (such as grass or ragweed pollen) may impact people across the U.S. too. Seasonal allergies can affect people with allergic asthma. If pollen allergies trigger asthma symptoms for you, be sure to follow your allergy treatment plan to keep your allergies under control to prevent asthma episodes or attacks.

If you stopped seeing your allergist or getting allergy shots (immunotherapy) during the COVID-19 pandemic, consider making an appointment soon. Keeping up with your regular allergist visits is an important part of keeping your asthma controlled.

The most important thing you can do is to keep your asthma under control. If your asthma is not under control, call your doctor right away.

In general, tracking your symptoms and following your Asthma Action Plan are key to managing your asthma. Some people use peak flow meters to monitor their airways. Monitoring your blood oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter (or “pulse ox”) is not a recommended part of home management of asthma. Many pulse oximeters you can buy for home use are not as accurate as medical grade devices.

It is important to remember that the symptoms you feel should always come before pulse ox and peak flow numbers. But if your peak flow numbers are down and you don’t have symptoms, follow your asthma action plan and contact your doctor.

There are no data demonstrating that monitoring your pulse ox through an oximeter or smartphone app will help manage your asthma. As always, talk with your doctor about the best ways to monitor your symptoms and asthma control.6

If I Think I Have COVID-19, What Should I Do?

If you start having symptoms of COVID-19, get tested or take an at-home test. If you have mild symptoms and are not at high risk for having more severe COVID-19, you do not need to call your doctor. Call your local health department within 24 hours to let them know so they accurately report local cases.

If you are at high risk for severe COVID-19, call your doctor within 24 hours if you test positive. They may want to you to take the medicine Paxlovid.

Many pharmacies have various testing options (including at-home or drive-thru tests). At times, free tests are available from

Some doctors may offer telehealth (video or virtual appointments). If that is an option, ask your insurance company if telehealth is covered under your plan. And if you have Medicare, you might be able to have a virtual visit with your doctor. The government expanded the coverage of telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stay home and isolate from family members so you don’t spread the coronavirus to other people.

Medical Review, July 2022 by Mitchell Grayson, MD; updated November 2024

How do you stay healthy and avoid asthma symptoms when respiratory infections are spreading? Join our community to stay up to date on protecting yourself from illness.


1. Chhiba, K.D., Patel, G.B., Vu, T.H.T, Chen, M.M., Guo, A., Kudlaty, E., Mai, Q., Yeh, C., Muhammad, L.N., Harris, K.E., Bochner, B.S., Grammar, L.C., Greenberger, P.A., Kalhan, R., Kuang, F.L., Saltoun, C.A., Schleimer, R.P., Stevens, W.W., & Peters, A.T. (2020). Prevalence and characterization of asthma in hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
2. Butler, M. W., O’Reilly, A., Dunican, E. M., Mallon, P., Feeney, E. R., Keane, M. P., & McCarthy, C. (2020). Prevalence of comorbid asthma in COVID-19 patients. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
3. Lieberman-Cribbin, W., Rapp, J., Alpert, N., Tuminello, S., & Taioli, E. (2020). The Impact of Asthma on Mortality in Patients With COVID-19. Chest. pol.575
4. Huang, B. Z., Chen, Z., Sidell, M. A., Eckel, S. P., Martinez, M. P., Lurmann, F., Thomas, D. C., Gilliland, F. D., & Xiang, A. H. (2021). Asthma disease Status, COPD, and COVID-19 severity in a large Multiethnic POPULATION. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.
5. Kampf, G., Todt, D., Pfaender, S., & Steinmann, E. (2020). Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents. Journal of Hospital Infection, 104(3), 246–251. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2020.01.022
6. Heneghan, C. (2018, January 30). Self-management of asthma – is there an app or pulse oximeter for that? Retrieved from

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My husband is 50 yrs old and has asthma. It is well controlled with Advair and with a few flare ups from time to time that His rescue inhaler will take care of. He hasn’t required a breathing treatment in many yrs. We are scheduled to go on a cruise in May. I am concerned considering he has asthma and I know there is so much still to be learned about this virus. Neither of us have any other underlying health conditions and are healthy otherwise.  He would still like to go but I am uncertain at this time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

Ellie89 posted:

I too am desperately looking for hints on what to do in the Covid-19 situation as someone with Asthma.

From what I understand, I am not more likely to contract the virus, but it is likely that it will affect me more strongly once I do. Given the fact that at this point, we're mostly talking about "when" we will all be infected, rather than "if" - shouldn't it be the logical next step to quarantine everyone who's part of the higher risk demographic?

I have a job that I could potentially do from home, however my bosses are rather reluctant to allow it. As of now, every article and every website contains slightly different information - again, even though the common ground already seems to be that the absolute majority of people will in fact be infected. As long as there is not one unified opinion on this, or even an official statement recommending people that are at a higher risk to stay home, what do I tell my bosses? Or do I just continue to get on public transport and walk around the office, all while hoping for the best? I just can't believe there's no better way to deal with this.

Thanks in advance for your replies

My husband has adult-onset asthma and controls it with daily medication, however, I am still concerned what would happen to him if he contracted coronavirus, since I've seen him battle numerous sinus infections and suffer considerably. He is a college instructor and is exposed to many people on a daily basis. I do not have asthma, but also want to avoid becoming ill so I don't infect him, so we are both on a daily vitamin regimen of immune-boosting vitamins, including D3, C, fish oil, B2, B12, and a multivitamin that includes recommended daily doses of other immune-boosting vitamins. I have taken all of these vitamins regularly, but my husband hasn't until the past week. We also eat mostly plant-based foods and avoid processed foods and excess sugar. I also asked my husband to start exercising regularly. We exercise together for motivation. I know that 100% grape juice (3 8oz. glasses/day) also boosts immunity. I learned about it when researching how to increase immunity several years ago when I was also teaching. Taking the vitamins and grape juice and exercising at least 3 days/week enabled me to avoid becoming ill when I previously contracted an illness every quarter I taught. I have never heard anyone at the CDC or WHO recommend vitamins to boost immunity, recommend maintaining regular cardiovascular exercise, or recommend a healthy diet, but based on recommendations from our family physician and reading other physicians' advice, I feel that all of these are imporant to include into our regular regimen to avoid becoming ill in the first place. I want us to do everything in our power to stay healthy. BTW - I have not yet heard that the majority of people living in the U.S. will become infected, so I hope that is not an absolute. All the best!


That article that supposedly shows that people with asthma are at low risk had NO people with asthma in it!  They presume that since asthma rates in Wuhan are low, that people with asthma aren't at risk. How did that get past empirical review?

Lorene posted:
Shea posted:

I just think that N95 masks can be helpful. They found the size of the corona virus and those masks block that size particle and yes it needs a tight seal but that is perfectly possible to teach people what that is. It can help. And high-risk population should know this and have time to irder and waut fir one before it gets widespread. And its possible to make enough for everyone including healthcare workers. And it doesnt need to be mandated fir everyobe, it usnt 100 percent, but it can help...   I feel it is deceptive and inappropriate and lowers trust for the CDC and WHO and surgeon general to tell the public it wont help them. Yes you have to remove it correctly. Yes you have to get the right size and not have a beard probably. Just give us the real facts and information that yes it can be helpful:

"N95 masks fulfill the filtering efficiency criteria of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and are approved for protection against droplet and airborne transmission of 95% of particles greater than 0.3 microns in size. N95 masks, which must be fit tested, are believed to offer protection against the contact and droplet spread of the coronavirus."


Hi @Shea N95 masks may provide a layer of protection, but they may be hard to breathe through when you have asthma or an infection. They can also be hot, and often masks lead to people touching their face more in an effort to make the mask most comfortable. Wearing a mask can't hurt, but hand washing and sanitizing are going to be our best bet for protection. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 


Shea - I agree with you. I live in NYC and travel to work on the subway and wearing a n95 mask would greatly decrease my chances of contracting the virus where I am in close proximity to strangers. I do understand that the CDC and WHO are trying to quell the general population from buying/wearing masks when basic hygiene would be more helpful in the long term but they are not protecting those the with the 'underlying health conditions' that they continually mention. This is a situation where you must take your own health and well-being in your own hands. I have n95 masks and carry one in my bag daily and will not hesitate to use it when I feel unsafe.  The CDC's guidelines are too broad and general and do not speak to me, an asthmatic specifically and how can they when the response about specific conditions are - not enough data! 


Hi Ellie and welcome! The situation is continuously evolving and not all areas are impacted the same right now. Social distancing, including working from home, are coming from local health departments.

There are several topics on the forum discussing how to prepare -

Kathy P

I too am desperately looking for hints on what to do in the Covid-19 situation as someone with Asthma.

From what I understand, I am not more likely to contract the virus, but it is likely that it will affect me more strongly once I do. Given the fact that at this point, we're mostly talking about "when" we will all be infected, rather than "if" - shouldn't it be the logical next step to quarantine everyone who's part of the higher risk demographic?

I have a job that I could potentially do from home, however my bosses are rather reluctant to allow it. As of now, every article and every website contains slightly different information - again, even though the common ground already seems to be that the absolute majority of people will in fact be infected. As long as there is not one unified opinion on this, or even an official statement recommending people that are at a higher risk to stay home, what do I tell my bosses? Or do I just continue to get on public transport and walk around the office, all while hoping for the best? I just can't believe there's no better way to deal with this.

Thanks in advance for your replies

WillFinnerty posted:

Can coronavirus mask itself in positive tests for FluA or FluB? If a person were to test positive for either of those influenza viruses are they clear of corona? 

The testing for COVID-19 is based on looking for specific gene sequences unique to that virus. Those are gene sequences that do not appear in other similar viruses.

How do the new coronavirus tests work?

PCR tests work by detecting specific genetic material within the virus.

These 100 nucleotides include two genes in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. A sample is considered positive if the test finds both genes, inconclusive if just one gene is found, and negative if neither gene is detected.

Updated to add: you theoretically could have both viruses in which case you will test positive for flu A/B.

Kathy P
Last edited by Kathy P
Fraser posted:

So I don’t use any asthma meds day to day as i haven’t needed them for years. Should I start using a preventer due to the covid-19 virus to protect myself or just keep a reliever just in case? 

I had asthma as a kid and was hospitalised, it went away a few years later.

I had an asthma attack 25 odd years later after a bad chest infection caused by smoking, again after a few months I didn’t need any inhalers etc. 

So now I’m 8-10 years on from that attack thinking if I should start taking a daily preventer? 

Hi! It's great that your asthma is so well controlled that you don't need to take a daily controller/preventative medication. A preventer medicine will not keep you from getting COVID-19. 

I recommend you talk to your health care provider about your concerns. Let them know as soon as possible if you have any asthma or flu-like symptoms. It is important to identify and treat any virus as quickly as possible. 



So I don’t use any asthma meds day to day as i haven’t needed them for years. Should I start using a preventer due to the covid-19 virus to protect myself or just keep a reliever just in case? 

I had asthma as a kid and was hospitalised, it went away a few years later.

I had an asthma attack 25 odd years later after a bad chest infection caused by smoking, again after a few months I didn’t need any inhalers etc. 

So now I’m 8-10 years on from that attack thinking if I should start taking a daily preventer? 

AG posted:
Ronl posted:
AG posted:

I have asthma but it is well controlled with medication. My 4 year old son also has mild asthma that is typically aggravated by colds. He is too young for control medications at least based on his pattern of symptoms. He uses a nebulizer when he is sick. We are traveling in a few weeks and I am very concerned about him. I am trying not to be paranoid but, it is hard when so little is known. He is 4 so handwashing is a constant battle. I feel like I should put a mask on him at least on the plane? I don’t know what to think or do at this point. 

How old is your child? Both of my children displayed symptoms of asthma around age 2. They were both put on preventative medication. This was not easy to accomplish as the newer standards require them to be older then 4. If they are around that age group I would suggest getting very involved with their pediatrician. Simple cases of bronchiolitis had my children staying in children’s hospital for days. (Each visit was to the tune of 24k, for them to supply oxygen) This was extremely frustrating since I was about 99% sure what was going on. Asthma goes back at least three generations on my side of the family. And every time they finally gave my children the steroid we got to go home ( this usually took 3 days or better before they would listen) after expressing these experience with older doctors and not students, as well as our children's pediatrician the proper medicines were finally prescribed. This has greatly improved things for my children. The usual small viruses are no longer emergency visits and several day stays at the hospital

He is 4.5. He has had bronchiolitis multiple times. He has never been hospitalized but each bout seems to get a little worse. It also seems to take him longer to recover. Often when I’ve taken him in to the doctor, although he has a lot of mucus, there’s no wheezing. I was rushed to the hospital multiple times as a child with blue lips. This is one of my biggest fears with him. Thankfully we have never experienced this. I’ve been on prednisone many times in the past with respiratory illnesses. I also lost my best friend to a severe asthma attack in 1996. The ptsd from those experiences and all the news on covid-19 has my anxiety through the roof. 

I wouldn’t worry too much he may be at risk but if he has not been hospitalized for it before it may not make thing much worse then if he had no history. I would invest in a pulse oximeter though, they are surprisingly inexpensive. They can make sure he is getting enough oxygen and cut down on unnecessary visits to the doctor. 

Kathy P posted:
Argos1w posted:

After reading your article it appears that people w asthma that’s controlled are no more at risk that general population - would it be the same for people that have a tendency to get bronchitis when they get sick?

@Argos1w - Because this is a new virus, researchers are still collecting data about the risk for people with asthma. Keeping your asthma under control reduces the risk of complications from any type of respiratory illness. 

It’s important to note this article is talking about transmission, not affect or severity. 

MikeD posted:
Ronl posted:
MikeD posted:

I am struck by how “experts” keep reassuring the general public that there is no alarm if you’re healthy and then in passing mention the elderly and those with underlying issues are at higher risk -  like we don’t need reassurance.  Very little time is spent on these groups when talking about Coronavirus.  There are countless people that fall into these categories - lung disease, heart disease, cancers, etc. It is hard not to panic or have anxiety with the 24/7 coverage.  So i wash my hands constantly and worry about someone coughing or sneezing around me- not much you can do to protect from that other than significant social distancing and isolation.

Yes they have said these people are at greater risk of complications. That really is just a foregone conclusion. What they are all, including all the coverage you see on tv is transmission. Just because you are of compromised health does not mean you are at greater risk of contracting the illness. The current focus is on preventing the spread of the virus. It’s important to weigh what you see in the coverage, very little study has been done on the severity due to the rapid spreading. The initial data points to more severity in the elderly only because the deaths are more prevalent there. But with age comes compromised health. This is rough data based how short of time the virus has been active. If you have health complications your mortality rate is going to be higher as with any illness. It’s to early to have a proper study. And personally prevention has already been lost. Next year or so if a vaccine has not been made I’m sure there will be more information. When a vaccine is made these studies will factor into who needs immunization as a priority. if you have respiratory complications a respiratory virus is going to affect you more. If you’re looking for percentages your wasting your time. 

I’m not looking for percentages.  I’m just expressing thoughts here.  Nothing more....

The information on severity and who and how it affects is not in yet. Until they can say precisely I doubt they will. 

Ronl posted:
MikeD posted:

I am struck by how “experts” keep reassuring the general public that there is no alarm if you’re healthy and then in passing mention the elderly and those with underlying issues are at higher risk -  like we don’t need reassurance.  Very little time is spent on these groups when talking about Coronavirus.  There are countless people that fall into these categories - lung disease, heart disease, cancers, etc. It is hard not to panic or have anxiety with the 24/7 coverage.  So i wash my hands constantly and worry about someone coughing or sneezing around me- not much you can do to protect from that other than significant social distancing and isolation.

Yes they have said these people are at greater risk of complications. That really is just a foregone conclusion. What they are all, including all the coverage you see on tv is transmission. Just because you are of compromised health does not mean you are at greater risk of contracting the illness. The current focus is on preventing the spread of the virus. It’s important to weigh what you see in the coverage, very little study has been done on the severity due to the rapid spreading. The initial data points to more severity in the elderly only because the deaths are more prevalent there. But with age comes compromised health. This is rough data based how short of time the virus has been active. If you have health complications your mortality rate is going to be higher as with any illness. It’s to early to have a proper study. And personally prevention has already been lost. Next year or so if a vaccine has not been made I’m sure there will be more information. When a vaccine is made these studies will factor into who needs immunization as a priority. if you have respiratory complications a respiratory virus is going to affect you more. If you’re looking for percentages your wasting your time. 

I’m not looking for percentages.  I’m just expressing thoughts here.  Nothing more....

MikeD posted:

I am struck by how “experts” keep reassuring the general public that there is no alarm if you’re healthy and then in passing mention the elderly and those with underlying issues are at higher risk -  like we don’t need reassurance.  Very little time is spent on these groups when talking about Coronavirus.  There are countless people that fall into these categories - lung disease, heart disease, cancers, etc. It is hard not to panic or have anxiety with the 24/7 coverage.  So i wash my hands constantly and worry about someone coughing or sneezing around me- not much you can do to protect from that other than significant social distancing and isolation.

Yes they have said these people are at greater risk of complications. That really is just a foregone conclusion. What they are all, including all the coverage you see on tv is transmission. Just because you are of compromised health does not mean you are at greater risk of contracting the illness. The current focus is on preventing the spread of the virus. It’s important to weigh what you see in the coverage, very little study has been done on the severity due to the rapid spreading. The initial data points to more severity in the elderly only because the deaths are more prevalent there. But with age comes compromised health. This is rough data based how short of time the virus has been active. If you have health complications your mortality rate is going to be higher as with any illness. It’s to early to have a proper study. And personally prevention has already been lost. Next year or so if a vaccine has not been made I’m sure there will be more information. When a vaccine is made these studies will factor into who needs immunization as a priority. if you have respiratory complications a respiratory virus is going to affect you more. If you’re looking for percentages your wasting your time. 


I am struck by how “experts” keep reassuring the general public that there is no alarm if you’re healthy and then in passing mention the elderly and those with underlying issues are at higher risk -  like we don’t need reassurance.  Very little time is spent on these groups when talking about Coronavirus.  There are countless people that fall into these categories - lung disease, heart disease, cancers, etc. It is hard not to panic or have anxiety with the 24/7 coverage.  So i wash my hands constantly and worry about someone coughing or sneezing around me- not much you can do to protect from that other than significant social distancing and isolation.

Ronl posted:
AG posted:

I have asthma but it is well controlled with medication. My 4 year old son also has mild asthma that is typically aggravated by colds. He is too young for control medications at least based on his pattern of symptoms. He uses a nebulizer when he is sick. We are traveling in a few weeks and I am very concerned about him. I am trying not to be paranoid but, it is hard when so little is known. He is 4 so handwashing is a constant battle. I feel like I should put a mask on him at least on the plane? I don’t know what to think or do at this point. 

How old is your child? Both of my children displayed symptoms of asthma around age 2. They were both put on preventative medication. This was not easy to accomplish as the newer standards require them to be older then 4. If they are around that age group I would suggest getting very involved with their pediatrician. Simple cases of bronchiolitis had my children staying in children’s hospital for days. (Each visit was to the tune of 24k, for them to supply oxygen) This was extremely frustrating since I was about 99% sure what was going on. Asthma goes back at least three generations on my side of the family. And every time they finally gave my children the steroid we got to go home ( this usually took 3 days or better before they would listen) after expressing these experience with older doctors and not students, as well as our children's pediatrician the proper medicines were finally prescribed. This has greatly improved things for my children. The usual small viruses are no longer emergency visits and several day stays at the hospital

He is 4.5. He has had bronchiolitis multiple times. He has never been hospitalized but each bout seems to get a little worse. It also seems to take him longer to recover. Often when I’ve taken him in to the doctor, although he has a lot of mucus, there’s no wheezing. I was rushed to the hospital multiple times as a child with blue lips. This is one of my biggest fears with him. Thankfully we have never experienced this. I’ve been on prednisone many times in the past with respiratory illnesses. I also lost my best friend to a severe asthma attack in 1996. The ptsd from those experiences and all the news on covid-19 has my anxiety through the roof. 

AG posted:

I have asthma but it is well controlled with medication. My 4 year old son also has mild asthma that is typically aggravated by colds. He is too young for control medications at least based on his pattern of symptoms. He uses a nebulizer when he is sick. We are traveling in a few weeks and I am very concerned about him. I am trying not to be paranoid but, it is hard when so little is known. He is 4 so handwashing is a constant battle. I feel like I should put a mask on him at least on the plane? I don’t know what to think or do at this point. 

How old is your child? Both of my children displayed symptoms of asthma around age 2. They were both put on preventative medication. This was not easy to accomplish as the newer standards require them to be older then 4. If they are around that age group I would suggest getting very involved with their pediatrician. Simple cases of bronchiolitis had my children staying in children’s hospital for days. (Each visit was to the tune of 24k, for them to supply oxygen) This was extremely frustrating since I was about 99% sure what was going on. Asthma goes back at least three generations on my side of the family. And every time they finally gave my children the steroid we got to go home ( this usually took 3 days or better before they would listen) after expressing these experience with older doctors and not students, as well as our children's pediatrician the proper medicines were finally prescribed. This has greatly improved things for my children. The usual small viruses are no longer emergency visits and several day stays at the hospital. 

JonS posted:

Can I suggest that you refer to the actual text of the Chinese report at rather than the summary linked on this page. It provides much more detail and explanation of their findings in the Chinese study. It shows that the prevalence of asthma, COPD and allergy in the study was, surprisingly, lower than in the general population. Good luck to all.

Could this be because the prevalence of asthma in China is lower? Or at least it’s left undiagnosed more often, and that would skew the results of a study. 

Argos1w posted:

After reading your article it appears that people w asthma that’s controlled are no more at risk that general population - would it be the same for people that have a tendency to get bronchitis when they get sick?

@Argos1w - Because this is a new virus, researchers are still collecting data about the risk for people with asthma. Keeping your asthma under control reduces the risk of complications from any type of respiratory illness. 

Kathy P
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