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In 1953, AAFA was founded by three allergists who wanted to support education and medical research. Sixty-five years later, we are still committed to supporting research that improves the lives of people with asthma and allergies.

Recently, the government has cut funds for research. These cuts will affect all of us, especially those with asthma and allergies. On April 14, 2018, supporters will attend the March for Science. The purpose of the March for Science is to encourage public officials to pass evidence-based policies that benefit all people. The main march will occur in Washington, D.C. And more than 230 satellite events will occur around the world.

Scientific research needs proper funding to benefit those with asthma and allergies. Science gives us life-saving medicine and treatments that can improve quality of life. Many developing studies and treatments offer hope. But cuts in science funding could threaten all this and even increase deaths.

How Can I Show Support?

  • Get involved in patient-centered research. Patients and researchers work together to create better treatments, insight and medicines.
  • Contact your representatives and policy makers. Let them know cuts to scientific research can hurt those with asthma and allergies.
  • Attend a March for Science event on April 14, 2018. Many events are taking place across the U.S.

There have been many advances in asthma and allergy treatment during the past few years. But more is needed. With more than 60 million Americans managing asthma and allergic diseases, science has the ability to change the health of our nation.

AAFA’s Action Alerts notify advocates about pending federal or state asthma and allergy legislation. When you sign up as an AAFA advocate, you will receive email alerts on national or state issues. With your help, we can make a difference in the lives of people affected by asthma and allergies.


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