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Join the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) and the American Public Health Association's (APHA) Environment Section on Thursday, April 22, 2021, at 1 p.m. ET (10 a.m. PT) for a Twitter chat on environmental justice and asthma health, as well as how these issues affect Black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native groups.

Follow @AAFANational and @APHAEnvironment and use the hashtag #EJAH2021 to join the conversation. AAFA, APHA's Environment Section, and other experts will answer questions about:

  • What is environmental justice?
  • How does the environment affect asthma health?
  • What is a β€œdisparity”?
  • What causes disparities in chronic illnesses such as asthma?
  • How is climate change related to asthma and allergies?

Get Involved

April is National Minority Health Awareness Month. You can also join our mission to promote pathways for equity in asthma and allergy care resulting in healthier outcomes.

Have you faced or seen racial or ethnic bias in asthma and/or allergy care? Or are you a community leader or health care provider working on solutions? Share your story by emailing us at

Looking for an idea on how to make a difference? Join our community and become a patient spokesperson.

You can also donate to support our community outreach, research, programming, and policy work to help put an end to disparities in asthma and allergies.

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