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You wouldn't think I have asthma, would you? Image

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K8sMom2002 posted:

Kamille, great photo! What are some ways you're thinking of helping others with asthma? What helped you manage your asthma so that you could reduce its impact?

@K8sMom2002 thank you so much .. I want to become a spokesperson for women and parents that have asthma and allergies, assist them with learning more about it so they won't ever panic and know what do to help themselves and their relatives learn as well in their time of need..i go to my doctor and learned what type of asthma medication helped me .i also exercise learned that my weight plays a part with my asthma, learning more about what triggers my asthma so I can prepare for the weather.. Once my daughter was born I also became CPR certified so i could assist her and i renew It every 2years..

Kamille Rivers
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