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What Caused My Seasonal Allergies to Improve?

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I've hadย severe seasonal allergies for years. For reasons I can't explain, I have not had allergy symptoms this year. I sneezeย occasionallyย but it seems like my allergies have quite suddenly disappeared. What could cause this?

Allergy symptoms can change over time. They may sometimes be different with each allergy season. You can have a decrease or an increase in symptoms.

You have noticed a decrease in allergy symptoms. There are several explanations to consider in your case.

  1. The immune system is constantly changing as it adapts to allergens. This may lead to reduced allergy symptoms.
  2. The severity of allergies can decrease with age. Approximately, 20% of children outgrow their allergies over time.
  3. Stress, obesity, and hormonal changes can affect the severity of allergies.
  4. Changes in the environment can impact symptoms. This can include relocating to areas with less pollen exposure.

This could help explain a change in allergy symptoms.

Allergy, Pollen Allergy, Symptoms
Answered by

John M. James, MD, is a board-certified allergist. He is also President of Food Allergy Consulting and Education Services, LLC. He has worked as a medical specialist in the field of allergy, asthma, and immunology for over 30 years. Dr. James received his bachelorโ€™s degree from the University of Arkansas and his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Tennessee. He is board certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology.

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