I receive your E mail and get a lot of information though your email. thank you so much .This types of program should be establish in our nation which directly affect the asthma patience.our nation is known as the developing nation so that air are polluted day by day.So it should be control by such type of program.I am student of social work from Dibyabhumi Multiple College,kupondol,lalitpur I hope my email response you very soon. Thank you Manoj Magar
This is why companies of a business for mass people I have said like hotels Uber Lyft Taxi Planes This is example about Uber's (Btw nothing against this guy so don't every want these people to get introubke and Amit not just them it's tooons of people, there needs to be law for boundary about air and containimant air in public spaces aka place of business) These places are not pet stores. This puppy is sooooo cute and sweet but that is why it is ignored But I see and cannot filter my Uber...
Thank you for such a great article, a lot of useful info. I will be glad if someone could advise me air purifier for smoke from the list? I never used one, but decided to give it a try. My budget around ~150$. Share your experience if you ever used one. Thank you.
Ult1Mat3x, based on the link you had, I would suggest talking to your doctor and beginning your search with the Aeromax 300 . It's the only one on your list that is asthma & allergy friendly® CERTIFIED. The asthma & allergy friendly® Certification program helps people make informed purchases for a healthier home. The program tests household products against strict standards. If products pass certain tests, they earn the CERTIFIED asthma & allergy friendly® mark.
Our family suffers from asthma triggered by fragrances and other chemicals. We are so happy you are informing people that wearing fragrance or products/clothing that emit fragrance are deadly for many people with asthma. We cannot go anywhere where we cannot leave if someone were to come in the room with "fragrance" known to be toxic chemicals. Most importantly, our hearts break for children who are trapped in a classsroom all day. Many laundry detergents/fabric softners emit persistent...
I suffer from asthma and eczema both my dad had it but now he doesn't i do i try my best to stay away from grilling and smoke and perfumes and foods that i get allergies from like fish and wheat and oranges and more u should never take these easy u should always be a wear of what u eat and sleep and breathe so take care and i am only 14yrs old but take care
@jjtre I hear you about all of the scents these days. Walking down the cleaning aisle of the grocery store is like an assault on my senses. @5starbabez Welcome to posting. How do you avoid your allergens? Do you carry epinephrine?
I’ve never thought of improving the air quality at my work because I don’t get the right support for anything so I didn’t bother asking. I don’t have food allergies but I have a lot of environmental allergies and I take Flonase, Zyrtec, Fluticasone, Eye drops, and Benadryl at night just to sleep. I’d probably be a great candidate for Xolair! I also have asthma. It’s been interesting to say the least!
@RSkalak , hugs on the lack of support from work. It sounds like your environmental allergies are tough to manage! The Asthma and Allergic community forums are a great place to get support from folks who have been there and done that!
What is the best room air purifier for removing mold and dust from indoor air. I suffer from asthma and am looking to purchase for the upcoming winter months. Mold and dust are my primary allergies. Also how can you determine if there is mold in your home? I have a bedroom where windows were replaced several years ago and has a musty smell.
Vinegar can be mixed with a hypoallergenic extract to improve the smell. Dirt that is adhering or ground in won't be cleaned up with vinegar. Try borax powder and Bon Ami cleanser claims to be toxin free and it's not bad with allergies. The article is correct about bleach. Also drain cleaners can be inhaled while taking effect in the drain. Surely they are all toxic. Try powdered lie but wear waterproof gloves and face mask while in the vicinity of the drain. I think dusting even with the...
This is good information, thank you (and to USA2 below as well!) I am all about the: "have someone else clean for you" option.... Do you think medicare will cover that? I would like a Rosie Robot. I guess I can learn to mix things and make cleaners... I have found some that bother me less than others.. Like the seventh generation brand and the mrs meyers-- I aim for the unscented. Good to know about vinegar not killing covid. Does hot steam? (Did I miss that part?) .....this is motivating me...
You need to start with the low income children's homes. How do you research mold growing on drywall and burst pipes in low incomes children's actual home? Mold is first a low income problem. The pipes and buildings are getting old. Not considering investigating mold is giving the poor a death sentence!
How about no pets? That's a huge irritant for many. Please address that. Teachers bring their dogs to the school and kids who are allergic to dogs are getting really sick. People bring their dogs to stores all the time making asthmatics sick. Please address that issue. On Wed, Apr 21, 2021, 1:02 PM Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America < support@aafa.org> wrote:
@Ironmom316 You're right that this issue (bringing non-service animals into public places) needs practical solutions. This specific program mentioned above is meant to address allergens in the home. While, not having a dog in your house will certainly result in fewer allergens in the house, there's nothing that can be done prevent private citizens from keeping pets their homes. That said, we (AAFA) will continue to find ways to help address what we can.
The problem is that companies are too cheap to do it right and/or the ventilation companies are worthless. A local big box pharmacy has air flow in and out of their area. Having their pharmacy at positive pressure would keep all the customer's germs out of the dispensing area. People complain about smoky businesses: one bar I used to go to had 200 people that smoked and their air was clear, whereas you couldn't see across another bar that only had 30 smoking. A local ventilation company...
@ScttLee Your concern is certainly understandable. Doing what you did and being clear about your preference, regardless of cost, is so important (and sometimes easier said than done).
I’m hyper sensitive to second hand smoke. Is there anything that can be done or taken to reduce symptoms? The second hand smoke comes in through the central air system in my house from the outside air (individuals smoking on their own property). I have a whole house air purifier.
Welcome, @Tawny ! Someone else's smoke no matter how remote is our problem to deal with. You're in good company with the AAFA community. Could you post this question as a new topic in either the Asthma Support or Allergy Support forums? Then we can have an extended discussion back and forth. We'll tag some of the people who contributed to Dealing with smoke allergies and asthma when neighbours smoke and find some practical ideas for you. Again, welcome! We're glad you found us.
Welcome, Suprabha to the AAFA community. An interesting question. CERTIFIED asthma & allergy friendly® allergen-barrier mattress or pillow covers prevent dust mite colonies from booming in your bed. They will still live in your sheets, pillowcases and blankets, but with regular washing with hot water, you can keep the numbers down. Do Antibacterial mattresses make a difference? This would be a great question for Ask the Allergist. or a new topic in the Allergy Support forum.
I had a big issue that which mattress would be better for dust mites. The Magniflex Mattress website gave me a conclusion that Antibacterial mattresses are the best for dust mites. What do you suggest?
We updated this blog post on Oct. 26, 2021, to include a video on air cleaners, information on COVID-19 and proper air ventilation, and the impact of air pollution on COVID-19 rates.
Though I live in an apt, which has no attic nor basement, in Florida. Recently, I bought a new, updated extra large Honeywell HEPA air cleaning machine. The unit is off the floor, on top of flat box, to help the unit clean the air in my room. Its quiet, this HEAPA unit has 4 settings, more quiet running than older Honeywell units. Even though it Nov. 2021 - here in Orlando, FL its warm,, with cold weather front coming down this weekend. I don't run the HEPA air filter machine when its cooler...
Awesome!! Raising awareness and "Creating a Baseline" for both IAQ and touchpoints (Pesticides) is key for safety and health inside the schools, hospitals, workplace as well as residential homes.
My location Orlando, FL , January '2022 - in the local weather news - tree pollen is in 9.0 red zone outside. Inside I've experienced asthma attacks, sneezing, running nose, etc. I made sure to run my hepa air filters having new pre-charcoal filters, new air filter on the heat/A/C filter, though I don't use A/C nor heat during Dec - March & maybe April in my apt. The A/C helps during the spring, summer & fall in Central FL. Vacuum my bed, clean the carpet in bedroom, wash pillow...
@Whippetartist - those are all great ways to help improve your indoor air quality and reduce your exposure to triggers. AAFA has a great checklist and interactive tool that has tips by room - https://aafa.org/healthyhome
This is awesome information that we can hand out to our clients from a credible source. My husband and I operate an air duct cleaning business. We live in Michigan, so we get a lot of humidity and people often forget to turn their humidifier off after the winter. We have witnessed black mold and very poor indoor air quality in the majority of homes here. Our main goal is to help improve indoor air quality and raise awareness. Thank you for writing this article.
Welcome to the AAFA community @Amberlee84 . You may also be interested in 3 Ways Humidity Affects Asthma . Would you consider starting a new topic about using your HVAC to manage Asthma triggers? That would be a fine addition to the Asthma Support forum.
And many of us, especially the disabled, cannot afford these expensive items. It's hard enough affording the inhalers, biologics, oral meds. How about we make asthma care affordable!!
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