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Atopic dermatitis (AD), a type of eczema, can be a frustrating skin disease. Many people think it's just a rash or dry skin. But it's so much more. AD symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable, even embarrassing at times. It can have a significant effect on quality of life. 

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The most burdensome symptoms of atopic dermatits (AD) include: itching/scratching, dryness/scaling, red/inflamed skin and sleep disturbance #ADinAmerica

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October is Eczema Awareness Month. If you have eczema, join our free online community to talk to others with eczema in a safe, supportive environment. You will also get updates on allergy and eczema news and research from our blog.


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StuffywithCare posted:

Hi.  I was unaware that atopic dermatitis has the symptom of sleep disturbance.  Is the sleep problem due to the discomfort caused by the other symptoms or is the sleep problem a separate symptom?  My 21-year-old has a small amount of eczema and he has trouble sleeping.  He has never blamed the eczema for his sleep problems.  Could there be a connection?  Thank you.

Hi @StuffywithCare, thanks for your blog comment! It's possible that there is a connection. Have you mentioned his sleep issues to his doctor? Here's an article from the American Academy of Dermatology that may answer some of your questions. Although the article is targeted to parents of small children, the information is relevant for anyone with eczema. The article also mentions, "When eczema itches, it can keep a child awake or wake the child from a sound sleep."

You can also post this question in our Asthma/Allergy community and see what others have to say about this issue. Thanks!


Brenda Silvia-Torma

Hi.  I was unaware that atopic dermatitis has the symptom of sleep disturbance.  Is the sleep problem due to the discomfort caused by the other symptoms or is the sleep problem a separate symptom?  My 21-year-old has a small amount of eczema and he has trouble sleeping.  He has never blamed the eczema for his sleep problems.  Could there be a connection?  Thank you.

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