Keep your house clean to avoid allergies. Check out for the cleaning products too which might trigger allergy in you. Now while you clean remember work from top to down, do one room or area at a time. Save your time by multi-tasking,make small repairs and invest in good rubber/vinyl gloves. Always dust before vacuuming. Buy mops with squeeze mechanism. Dont keep your brooms on its bristles. better to use swiffer for light dusting. Check out for some creative and easy tips on spring cleaning...
This was an awesome post. It is funny, I personally love reading about spring and summer cleanup's because of the before and afters. It is often looks like a bigger mess than it really is. Once it is all cleaned out though, it looks spotless and the effort is well worth it. Here is another similar article I read recently that outlines the importance of Spring Clean-Up just like this one. Give it a read and let me know your thought Spring and Summer Cleanup Summarized
This is great to know about when considering future cleaning at home. I am also interested in how to use quality essential oils in laundry loads and as a diluted spray to help minimize dust mites. I have read on numerous sites that oils such as peppermint, lavendar, and eucalyptis have shown promising results when stored and used correctly and in minimal amounts so as not to be an irritant. By chance have any companies such as Do Terra or others that make essential oils applied to be tested...
Hi, and welcome to the community, Allison! I know that some of AAFA's members do use essential oils if it doesn't aggravate their asthma. This would be a great new topic to start on the community!
Remember “Borax”? Grandma loved it, & it’s still around (check grocer, or local hardware.) A quarter cup per load, kills mites in laundry! It is an excellent cleaner & polisher of nearly everything, read the box. I use a teaspoon in bottom of dishwasher loads to rinse more thoroughly. Remember to use as little soap as possible, to protect our water supply. Usually a quarter to half what is called for, is plenty of soap to get the job done. Try using less toothpaste too, about 1/4 of...
Thank you, and also thank you to the other individual that reminded me of Borax too; it sounds familiar. I definitely agree with using as little soap as possible too; plus it saves money when we don't add a washer pod to our washing machines when it doesn't do much of anything anyway! Yes. I am glad to hear that essential oils are used by some members and, as I learn more, I will be glad to post about this with links etc. within the awareness that I am sure everything I read about their use...
We had our air ducts cleaned. Considerable difference in the dust build up and in my health! Air quality really does make a difference, get those regular cleanings.
The public does have the ability to comment on the proposed changes (I did!), but only for a short time. Here is the info on how to share your voice (pasted from ) EPA will accept comment on the proposed Affordable Clean Energy rule for 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Comments should be identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0355 and may be submitted by one of the following methods. Online: Go to...
Thanks, Shea! I'm so glad you shared your comments with the EPA! I hope other people will make their opinions known as well. Folks here can also sign up to be an AAFA Advocate by joining AAFA's Action Network if they haven't already.
This is really great. Growing up, my elementary school had mold issues and they continued to grow until my siblings went years later and by then so many people were getting ill that they shut that school down. If they give schools the tools they need to improve indoor air (awareness and money to make the changes happen), so many children and families will be positively affected.
Sounds great. May I also suggest some investigating and some stricter enforcement procedures on H.U.D.S. smoking ban that is a failure in many cities across this country. Providing a clean teaching invironment is important but many children will return home to often worse indoor air quality where they live. To truly help the health of all children, they need healthy air at home as well as school. ailurimprovementon
Finally a serious legislative action on this problem. We all know air quality in schools is horrible and this is now becoming an even bigger issue with Covid-19. There should be good air purifiers in every school.
It is very difficult to find holiday rentals in Tuscany that do not have or admit animals. We need to have our own travel website, where holiday homes that AVOID the major triggers for allergies and asthma are listed..... It is not always possible to avoid ALL triggers, but dust, mold, certain flowers, pets and smoke CAN be excluded. Doesn't anyone want to start a "Home Away" or "Airbnb" site that specifically caters to allergic individuals???
Vinegar can be mixed with a hypoallergenic extract to improve the smell. Dirt that is adhering or ground in won't be cleaned up with vinegar. Try borax powder and Bon Ami cleanser claims to be toxin free and it's not bad with allergies. The article is correct about bleach. Also drain cleaners can be inhaled while taking effect in the drain. Surely they are all toxic. Try powdered lie but wear waterproof gloves and face mask while in the vicinity of the drain. I think dusting even with the...
This is good information, thank you (and to USA2 below as well!) I am all about the: "have someone else clean for you" option.... Do you think medicare will cover that? I would like a Rosie Robot. I guess I can learn to mix things and make cleaners... I have found some that bother me less than others.. Like the seventh generation brand and the mrs meyers-- I aim for the unscented. Good to know about vinegar not killing covid. Does hot steam? (Did I miss that part?) .....this is motivating me...
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