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Tagged With "nighttime"

Tagged With "nighttime"

  • Database Record Comment
    I also have this. It’s not my asthma as it’s well controlled with Flovent. At least now since I can’t get it anymore. I’ve had this since August of 2022 when I had covid and a very bad cold. Then two rounds of a bronchitis like thing but worse than that. It’s affected my voice as well. I’ve seen an ENT who prescribed antibiotics due to sinus issues which helped a little. And Neilmed nasal irritation. But I’m still back to nasal and throat issues. And I can’t get my normal voice back. It’s...
  • Database Record Comment
    @Candy, I'm similar to you with the Flovent & voice at least from year round allergies. PND 24 hrs. a day with mild sore throat. Nothing changes either. It's frustrating not sounding like yourself when you talk, but that's better than when it coats your vocal cords & words won't come out at all. I've had both for about 3 yrs. now; the Dr. doesn't know anything to help. She says all looks well, so just stay hydrated & gargle w/ saltwater 2-3 times a day. As far as the Flovent,...
  • Database Record Comment
    @Mary MM medicine can be so expensive sometimes (especially if your insurance won't cover it). There are different programs that may offer financial assistance for asthma medicines. You can find more information, here: Drug Assistance Programs . We also have a blog with helpful tips: What to Do If You Can't Afford Your Asthma Medicines . There's also the United Way (dial 2-1-1) hotline that I like to share. You can speak with a navigator who can connect you to local resources. There may be...