Hello! I do not think they announced pricing yet. They suggested signing up for news on their web site http://mywing.io/ or on their Facebook page so you know when the product launches (it hasn't yet).
I am very, very frustrated and distraught with GlaxoSmithKline right now. If this is a problem, no matter how remote or minute, shouldn't the customer be able to return the product for a new product immediately? If not, why even bring it to our attention? I have contacted my pharmacy, my husband's pharmacy, my doctor and my husband's doctor and they know very little if anything about this recall. This is not something to guess about. IT IS MY LIFE..AND OTHERS... GSK needs to do a better...
This is very interesting and, in terms of allergies and irritated nasal passages, I have read on numerous sites that diluted forms of certain essential oils (very diluted) can actually reduce the dust mite population in the laundry on clothes, on bedding, and even on furniture (versus using a product such as "Endust" which has chemicals). By chance have any essential oil companies (e.g. Do Terra) reached out to have some of their products or essential oils to see (when diluted and safer/not...
This is great to know about when considering future cleaning at home. I am also interested in how to use quality essential oils in laundry loads and as a diluted spray to help minimize dust mites. I have read on numerous sites that oils such as peppermint, lavendar, and eucalyptis have shown promising results when stored and used correctly and in minimal amounts so as not to be an irritant. By chance have any companies such as Do Terra or others that make essential oils applied to be tested...
Hi, and welcome to the community, Allison! I know that some of AAFA's members do use essential oils if it doesn't aggravate their asthma. This would be a great new topic to start on the community!
Remember “Borax”? Grandma loved it, & it’s still around (check grocer, or local hardware.) A quarter cup per load, kills mites in laundry! It is an excellent cleaner & polisher of nearly everything, read the box. I use a teaspoon in bottom of dishwasher loads to rinse more thoroughly. Remember to use as little soap as possible, to protect our water supply. Usually a quarter to half what is called for, is plenty of soap to get the job done. Try using less toothpaste too, about 1/4 of...
Thank you, and also thank you to the other individual that reminded me of Borax too; it sounds familiar. I definitely agree with using as little soap as possible too; plus it saves money when we don't add a washer pod to our washing machines when it doesn't do much of anything anyway! Yes. I am glad to hear that essential oils are used by some members and, as I learn more, I will be glad to post about this with links etc. within the awareness that I am sure everything I read about their use...
I receive your E mail and get a lot of information though your email. thank you so much .This types of program should be establish in our nation which directly affect the asthma patience.our nation is known as the developing nation so that air are polluted day by day.So it should be control by such type of program.I am student of social work from Dibyabhumi Multiple College,kupondol,lalitpur I hope my email response you very soon. Thank you Manoj Magar
This is why companies of a business for mass people I have said like hotels Uber Lyft Taxi Planes This is example about Uber's (Btw nothing against this guy so don't every want these people to get introubke and Amit not just them it's tooons of people, there needs to be law for boundary about air and containimant air in public spaces aka place of business) These places are not pet stores. This puppy is sooooo cute and sweet but that is why it is ignored But I see and cannot filter my Uber...
Thank you for such a great article, a lot of useful info. I will be glad if someone could advise me air purifier for smoke from the list? I never used one, but decided to give it a try. My budget around ~150$. Share your experience if you ever used one. Thank you.
Ult1Mat3x, based on the link you had, I would suggest talking to your doctor and beginning your search with the Aeromax 300 . It's the only one on your list that is asthma & allergy friendly® CERTIFIED. The asthma & allergy friendly® Certification program helps people make informed purchases for a healthier home. The program tests household products against strict standards. If products pass certain tests, they earn the CERTIFIED asthma & allergy friendly® mark.
Marcia, that's a great question. I think that the replacement will help other things -- like the structural integrity of the pillow. After two years of sleeping on something like a pillow, it may not be offering you the best night's sleep.
The bedroom should be kept allergen and asthma trigger free. It may be difficult, but it is important to try! When we are lying down, our breathing problems often worsen. That is why we should have a clean and safe bedroom. We do need to get a good night of rest!
There are other hard surface alternatives, from linoleum (perhaps the ultimate “green” flooring) to tile to vinyl. It’s even possible to get hard-wearing and attractive flooring made from recycled tires. I’d like to see a true comparison between all the options, pros and cons, and include such possible irritant/triggers as off-gasing from padding and carpet materials.
it's hard to win a legal case w/ severe mold infestations when civil court judges do not believe in toxic black mold causing human diseases. a nyc hpd housing court judge - JEAN T. SCHNEIDER threw out my foreclosure hearing WITHOUT EVEN HEARING STATEMENT FROM MY DEFENCE LAWYER - NOT onr SINGLE SENTENCE FROM MY LAWYER LAST WEEK.! all she wants are to close cases rapidly with no word from the defence ! scary-victims have no rights against her favorite big time landlords. On Mon, Oct 15, 2018...
Hi Debbie, The only personal concern (since I have a latex allergy) I have with a recycled tire floor is that its made of latex. It's really amazing how many products are made of latex--even some furniture!! Brenda
Teva Pharmaceuticals and other inhaler manufacturers need to make an inhaler product that does NOT have these serious side effects. No Glaucoma, Cataracts, Adrenal Insufficiency, etc. wanted by me (SEE WARNINGS listed above). Jenny H. - Please Note: Product described above says 4 years of age and older.
If you are allergic to cats or dogs and own one: "It should be recommended that the animal be removed from the patient's environment, as avoidance is believed to be the most effective measure for the management of dog and cat allergy." According to consensus https://onlinelibrary.wiley.co...ll/10.1111/all.13391
i am new to all this computer stuff what does this do am allergic to scents cigarette smoke food dyes and colors , alot of cleaners and perfumes, have hayfever and do not live in a bubble yet
Hi Sillysally.. Yes these comments on this particular post pop out reverse than the others with the oldest comment at the bottom and the newer ones at the top. It confused me too because I made that cat/dog comment a while back before your comments. Awesome on homemade products! I usually buy 7th Generation products or use vinegar water with a few drops of essential oils. If you ever want to share your cleaning recipes, Id love to hear them! I am really trying to keep up on all my cleaning...
Hi, SillySally! Welcome to AAFA's online community! We have several members who struggle with the same things you do, and they have great ideas ... you can start a new topic with your excellent questions. Or you can find older discussion "threads" where people have already talked about how they manage these triggers.
you are spot on vinegar, baking soda, lemon oil in water will all clean alot and produce little allergy for me. cloves and cinnamon if not allergic or peppermint oil all can be dilute help keep away pets and spiders from areas one does not want them. I am lower income and learned to make out of neessity when I was young, people just thought I was a hippie
I live in the mountains my problems are with the apartment complex moving in smokers who have to smoke outside and the drift coming in my apartment with my doors and widows closed and scents from cleaners and I think diffusers and I have had a few days where I was not able to leave my patio it was so bad I am demanding under the ada to be accomodated and having to go through fair housing. I already know how tl control my asthma,allergies and epilepsy otherwise, management just says I have...
Yeah, the default on blog comments is "newest" first. But you can change that for yourself. There is an option between the reply box and the start of the comments to change how they are ordered:
No problem at ALL, SillySally ... I feel all thumbs with Facebook and Twitter, so I get your point exactly! These topics (or "threads" -- why they're called threads, I have no clue!) may help you out ... just click the topic title below, and it should take you to where people have been discussing it in the past. Asthma vs Housecleaning - the Struggle is Real! - house cleaning with lots of tips and tricks about cleaning Dealing with irritants - how to handle things like those "perfume assaults"
CDC, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), state and local health departments, and other clinical and public health partners are investigating a multistate outbreak of severe pulmonary disease associated with e-cigarette product (devices, liquids, refill pods, and/or cartridges) use. This investigation is ongoing and has not identified a cause, but all reported cases have a history of using e-cigarette products. Read more: Outbreak of Lung Illness Associated with Using E-cigarette...
I just ordered a new mattress encasement (zippered) and 2 pillow encasements from AAFA's list here-- my old-one's zipper broke (it was not one from aafa's list and it was kinda cheap and had a plastic-y feel and was tough to clean) so that is why this time I wanted an AAFA certified one. I cant wait for it to come!
This product is $700+ tax and shipping. How many people reading your newsletter can afford that?! Sent from my iThingy > On Jun 1, 2020, at 4:22 PM, Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America < support@aafa.org > wrote: > > Samsung’s Cube Air Purifier
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