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I think this is a great topic, and National Healthy School Days is a great way to educate children, parents, teachers, and the community on asthma and allergies. I think it would be worth noting the studies on second-hand dander and how it significantly affects children with asthma and allergies in schools (i.e. the study thst shows the more cat owners in classroom there are, the worse prognosis with kids with allergies and asthma). I think having individual lockers outside classrooms for...
After reading Teens With Asthma Almost Twice As Likely to Smoke I felt awful to know that as a teen I tried a cigarette and was deathly asthmatic! Why? To belong, to conform. Thank God I choked and almost coughed up a lung! I think it is so important to teach young ones how to stand up to peer pressure. That's the piece I was missing that could have helped me in that regard. I watched a classmate smoke and end up in the hospital each and every time with an asthma attack. She was already...
Jade just started her first round of Xolair Injections this past week. She's SO brave! But...I have to admit...It was a bittersweet moment; watching her sit there, calm, asking the nurse to count slowly for her, watching the needle, as she was given both injections. Outside of respectfully saying that it "kind of hurt, a lot", she didn't complain, or cry, or move, or refuse, or scream...she just sat still and watched! As a mom, this was a like a dream come true...at first. [{Sidebar} At this...
Totally understand that @Martha Anne ! The recirculated air and close proximity to potentially sick people was a huge concern. The mask definitely helped to keep me from touching my face and spreading germs there. I also had packs of wipes and hand sanitizer. I carefully wiped down my personal space - arm rests, back of the seat, tray table - before I sat down. Any time I went to the rest room, I slathered in hand sanitizer. Also wiped down things in the hotel rooms like door handles, TV...
Hi, @Martha Anne ... the flu virus IS a sturdy thing. The CDC says that the flu virus can live on a solid surface for 24 hours , but it's also important to remember HOW the flu gets past our defenses. A big part of that is how often we touch our eyes, nose and mouth, and also how close we are to people. Frequent hand washing and avoiding touching anything "north of the chin" are what my doc recommends. I remembered exactly how hard that was this weekend when I attended a college tour this...
The public does have the ability to comment on the proposed changes (I did!), but only for a short time. Here is the info on how to share your voice (pasted from https://www.epa.gov/stationary...proposal-how-comment ) EPA will accept comment on the proposed Affordable Clean Energy rule for 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Comments should be identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0355 and may be submitted by one of the following methods. Online: Go to...
This isn't surprising. Ventolin-type bronchodilator inhalers are always used in people experiencing significant "breathing problems" related to respiratory infections such as flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., who don't have underlying respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, etc. Why would COVID-19 be any different? I hope every asthmatic has the medication they need. On my end, I have two new Teva-Salbutamol HFA inhalers (unused in the box) on hand as well as the Teva-Salbutamol HFA...
@Maku @Marcia Z Ball When I tell you what helped me so much you’re gonna kick yourself. So last week I noticed I had the skin peeling in between my fingers, on top of my hands, on the underside of my hand (my open palm) on the tips of my fingers ... just everywhere! I will attach a pic. It doesn’t look terrible bc I caught it at the beginning bc I can’t take it. I noticed tht when I wash my hands or used hand sanitizer they would burn from the small cuts. I went out and bought Lubriderm. $5...
Welcome Zara - sorry your eczema has been so bad from using hand sanitizers. Is it better if you can wash your hands instead? Or is the extra handwashing irritating as well? I hope the moisturizing tips help!
Hi, the article was so useful to me. I have a question I'll be thankful if you answer." Is it okay to use creamy soaps for my hand eczema? I'm not sure if they can kill the new Corona virus as they includes lot of moisturizer and oil. I'll be thankful for your answer in advanced.
Hi Mastaneh and welcome. Soap helps break down the sticky bond between the virus and your hand. That's one reason you need to wash for 20 seconds - to give the soap time to work to break those bonds so the virus can be rinsed away with the soap. Can you use a plain but mild soap then apply moisturizer after patting your hands dry?
Vinegar can be mixed with a hypoallergenic extract to improve the smell. Dirt that is adhering or ground in won't be cleaned up with vinegar. Try borax powder and Bon Ami cleanser claims to be toxin free and it's not bad with allergies. The article is correct about bleach. Also drain cleaners can be inhaled while taking effect in the drain. Surely they are all toxic. Try powdered lie but wear waterproof gloves and face mask while in the vicinity of the drain. I think dusting even with the...
This is good information, thank you (and to USA2 below as well!) I am all about the: "have someone else clean for you" option.... Do you think medicare will cover that? I would like a Rosie Robot. I guess I can learn to mix things and make cleaners... I have found some that bother me less than others.. Like the seventh generation brand and the mrs meyers-- I aim for the unscented. Good to know about vinegar not killing covid. Does hot steam? (Did I miss that part?) .....this is motivating me...
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