@Matthew Falk - Yes, in the U.S you would need a prescription. You can find more general info about neffy , including FAQ, here - FDA Approves neffy® Epinephrine Nasal Spray for Treating Severe Allergic Reactions
Marie, could you tell a difference or a reaction from the sunflowers? It could be that you are okay with them. My DD is allergic to some things, but does okay with some plants or other allergens that are related. Could you talk to your doc about whether sunflowers would be a problem for you in particular?
K8SMOM2002 Last fall undecided to dry the flowers so I cut them before the birds and squirrel could get at them. Oh my word I didn't realize how much pollen was in them. So I won't be drying them this year but I will plant the seeds again next year will just have to buy them.
When i got home today one plant was broken in half and another is laying on the ground and there are seeds all over the side walk, so think they are having a good time. I'm not going to have a good time cleaning up their mess....lol...
The study compared TEZSPIRE, given as an injection, to no treatment. The results of the study showed TEZSPIRE reduced nasal polyp size and congestion by targeting inflammation at its source. This type of treatment can potentially reduce the need for surgeries and corticosteroids, which can have serious side effects.
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